Superman under kryptonite attacks !
Kryptonite !
I’m so weak…in pain….kryptonite
Masochist Superman Richard in intense kryptonite
Oh…this pain…kryptonite…eargh…please…stop
Kryptonite nightmare !Â
Oh…the pain…kryptonite !
Oh…so intense…the pain…KRYPTONITE
Our dream …Luthor and kryptonite,
Superman under intense kryptonite radiation
Superman in total pain by kryptonite radiation
The supreme  Luthor’s kryptonite
Oh…this pain…invading my body…the
“Oh, no ! Kryptonite … I feel
Superman in his ideal uniform  in the
Superman under intense kryptonite torture
Superman in peril !Â
Superman under intense pain and agony by
Classic Kryptonite ! Wow !Â
Superman under kryptonite torture in Luthor’s
Superman under kryptonite nightmare !
Lois and Superman in Kryptonite Dominatrix
Aquaman in trouble !
Superman under Luthor’s hands ! The
Oh, no …Â Luthor… is…killing
Superman under kryptonite torture !Almost
Superman under kryptonite hands !Â
Please…stop to this… kryptonite
Superboy under Brianiac’s kryptonite
Superman … The kryptonite’s
Thanks, Redtrekk .Superman in trouble…Kryptonite
Torture intense by kryptonite …Unfortunately,
Superman under intense kryptonite attack
Ungh…the kryptonite…eargh…the
Superman feeling the pain, cold and weakness
Superman feeling the kryptonite effects…The
Metallo fucking Superman with his KRYPTONITE
Superman in kryptonite hellÂ
Superman under intense kryptonite torture
Superman unconscious …The kryptonite
Superman unconscious in Luthor’s kryptonite
Oh…no ! Again…NO ! KRYPTONITE
Superman unconscious after Metallo’s
Oh…no…the weakness…my
Oh…so weak… the kryptonite…
Oh…so weak…my strenght…finished…KRYPTONITE…