just another !Wow…Superman in agony
Superman unconscious after coward kryptonite
Here’s another
and a secondSuperboy tortured and weak by
Ohhh… the pain…someone help
Superman under total kryptonite torture in
Eargh…METALLO !!!!!!!!!!The pain !
Superman unconscious after kryptonite torture
Superman unconscious and helpless after Metallo’s
Oh…the kryptonite…eargh…the
Oh…the pain…no…The my
No ! Eargh ! Kryptonite !
Oh…this pain…touching me…killing
Black Superman defeated by Kryptonite !
Oh, no ! Kryptonite ! Eargh !
Eargh…ouch…It’s insane
Oh…so weak…the kryptonite…it’s
Superman so weak by kryptonite torture !
Oh…the pain…so intense…I
Oh…this headache…unbearable…please,
Oh…so weak…kryptonite…ouch…the
Superman captive and  in torture in Luthor’s
Metallo, please ! Don’t kill me
I feel…THE PAIN… ungh…my
I feel so weak…the kryptonite…ouch…
Oh…this pain…kryptonite…destroying
Superman under strong and intense kryptonite
Oh…so weak…the kryptonite…ouch…please…someone…stop…with…
Oh…please… I surrender…please…stop…this…torture…the…kryptonite…ouch…
Oh…no…stop…this …
Oh…no…the kryptonite…weakening
Oh… this intense radiation…I
Superman unconscious and so weak after coward
Oh, no ! Liquid KRYPTONITE ! Oh, GOD,
Oh, thank you, Jimmy .You save me. The
Oh, no ! The kryptonite…Luthor…no
Oh…the weakness…consuming me…the
Oh, no…ouch…stop to this…please…kryptonite…ouch…
Oh…so weak…the kryptonite…ouch…so
Superman defeated by kryptonite .
Under a kryptonite ray ! Thanks, my friend…I
Superman unconscious…the death is
Superman unconscious and weak in  Luthor’s
Oh…so weak…the cruel weakness
Jimmy…please…stop with this…please…stop
Oh…so weak…and alone…and