dlcameronz:Aftermath of a two hour workout.
pooedgay: A wet night… Una noche húmeda…
keepcalmpisspants: Pissed my shorts
contrafagotto16: apaddedguy: So.. I might
bostonabdl: Lederhosen? Leder-HOE-sen
socalital:Pre cum while sext with a hot FTM
wetterpants85:Come Back at home…
keepcalmpisspants:Nearly made it in on time
wetdude792:Pee spot compilation
wetmessboy:After that I went outside for
loserpb: Got a little wet ;) thinking of
wetdude792:Wetting the bed - light blue boxer
poopyme-wpb:Soft red briefs
skinnyfotze:habe meine Verfickte SkinnyFOTZE
realjaynecob:Playing with my Piss
realjaynecob:Pissing my jock for sir @aaronknightxxx.
diaper-rocker:bedwetter - waking up with
xxanotherkinkyblogxx:Lately I been having
nydirty30: Having a piss
tj257: Holding again in car and lost control
wetdude792: Wet gray pants in the forest
wetdude792:Pee spot gif compilation
boyonbdsm: FANMAIL - Boy AM (#010) As the
tattsandkink1:Love pissing my pants!
littlevryk:Sometimes when @growing-boysxl
peemakesmehappy:MY FIRST POST! I was driving
atherapyofdesire: Soaking my thong and jeans
basti81de: After several minutes I leaked
lilsean-bo: Had a accident
sk8erpigvienna: just pissed myself on the
peewhereyoulike: Tonight, my boyfriend saw
mrwetmess: Absolutely Flooded my pants!!!!
icantholditinforlong:A great gif submission!
malewettingboxers:Pres outside in shorts
keepcalmpisspants: Pissed my work trousers
holdbacktheflow:Oops. I didn’t quite make
wetdude792: … what my pants looked like
supernotvanilla: I been bad…
sabound2bfun: Just had to piss…
caleconmouille:I totally soaked my jeans
tarxan37:Awwww I just couldn’t hold it!