Honey, I think my boss is right; what can
You couldn’t believe your ears when
C'mon, honey, you still love me, don’t
So, you still think you’re the man
After your wife told you about her affair
Your wife’s former boss was back in
I do agree with you; the more you emasculate
Watching for the first time is a life-changing
At first, your wife was shy about doing what
Now ask your hubby if he wants me to fuck
This has become a routine since your wife
My hubby also told me that you that one of
Your wife had seen him several times, the
One week after your wife went on a vacation
They both have had sex with your wife. The
Your wife let him put his condom wrapped
You not only licked your wife’s cum
You know you deserve being a cuckold, don’t
What can make you feel more like a cuckold
She told your wife, “in less than one
Yes, honey, I have had sex with all of them,
What I love most is your no-nonsense attitude
And, honey, what are you going to do if,
She told you to follow her, and led you to
You know what happens on the nights your
Your most vivid memory has always been the
Yes, honey, asking my boss if he would let
Tell me again who owns your pussy, let your
She talks and talks about her new BFF, sex
- Do you ever miss his penis?- No, never
She said, “honey, my boss told me to
In the morning, after her boss leaves, it’s
Would you like to know what your hubby said
Honey, we have always booked hotel rooms
She found your wife very attractive. She
Your wife sent you the pic and a message,
What you will see is what you have always
Honey, I did tell you, “if I do what
How does it make you feel, honey? I have
C'mon, honey, he has been fucking me almost
She makes you drive her to the parties. Sometimes,
Yes, honey, I love doing everything he likes
Your female boss got your wife to say, “I’m
Ashley leaned in and kissed him. Soon they
“But I was just curious, about that
Your wife’s smile was even wider when
Honey, if you love me, if you still love
Isn’t life wonderful, honey? Fresh