Crystalline highlights

Crystalline highlights

Sledjacked by a cute l’il criminal

Sledjacked by a cute l’il criminal

My secret recipe for having a great day

My secret recipe for having a great day

Aw c’mon, Aunt May, not again

Aw c’mon, Aunt May, not again

Will that be Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Will that be Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Thanks, but I prefer Back in Black

Thanks, but I prefer Back in Black

Damn biped females

Damn biped females

And it runs on magic fairy dust

And it runs on magic fairy dust

Oh, mah achin’ head

Oh, mah achin’ head

I’ll happily participate in indoor sports

I’ll happily participate in indoor sports

A comforting assurance

A comforting assurance

Nothing wrong with being a late bloomer

Nothing wrong with being a late bloomer

The smell of speciousness

The smell of speciousness

I’m so broke I can’t even pay attention

I’m so broke I can’t even pay attention

Looks like these cookies have gone bad

Looks like these cookies have gone bad

Maybe I should try Ctrl Space

Maybe I should try Ctrl Space

Never lose it

Never lose it

Appearances can be deceiving

Appearances can be deceiving

I demand your full attention

I demand your full attention

Guess she’s not a vegetarian

Guess she’s not a vegetarian

Pretty profound when you think about it

Pretty profound when you think about it

That come hither look

That come hither look

The boy definitely had it

The boy definitely had it

Library checkout card bearing Elvis’ signature

Library checkout card bearing Elvis’ signature

08 January 2015 would have been Elvis’

08 January 2015 would have been Elvis’

May I have this dance? (Whale shark and free

May I have this dance? (Whale shark and free

Dreams of yesteryear

Dreams of yesteryear

Anybody know a good kitty mechanic?

Anybody know a good kitty mechanic?

Hell, I don’t even have a skateboard

Hell, I don’t even have a skateboard

Inebriation may have played a part

Inebriation may have played a part

The things we do for love

The things we do for love

Get outta my comfort zone

Get outta my comfort zone

Just glad to get through it

Just glad to get through it

I do love this man’s mind

I do love this man’s mind

16th Annual Harbin China Ice and Snow World

16th Annual Harbin China Ice and Snow World

Limited-edition commemorative silver coin

Limited-edition commemorative silver coin

Canada defeats Russia 5-4 to take the Gold

Canada defeats Russia 5-4 to take the Gold

Winter dreams

Winter dreams

Sibling squabbles

Sibling squabbles

Praise be to the Almighty Crustacean

Praise be to the Almighty Crustacean

The floor needs washing anyway

The floor needs washing anyway

Not sure I wanted or needed to know that…..

Not sure I wanted or needed to know that…..

I’d rather be in the park havin’ coffee

I’d rather be in the park havin’ coffee

Ominous omen

Ominous omen

Comin’ down off a holiday high

Comin’ down off a holiday high

Back to reality

Back to reality

Variety is the spice of life

Variety is the spice of life

Much appreciated

Much appreciated