Harmonious vibration

Harmonious vibration

Think I’ll try the next exit

Think I’ll try the next exit

What part of I’M TRYING TO SLEEP do you

What part of I’M TRYING TO SLEEP do you

Keep your courage and curiosity intact

Keep your courage and curiosity intact

Fragile beauty (bust of Nefertiti sculpted

Fragile beauty (bust of Nefertiti sculpted

Indiscretions will out

Indiscretions will out

Always be Batman

Always be Batman

Invitation to disaster

Invitation to disaster

No worries, mate, he don’t look hungry

No worries, mate, he don’t look hungry

Damn newfangled technology

Damn newfangled technology

Poetry in motion

Poetry in motion

We keep dis in da family

We keep dis in da family

… to the point of tongue lolling

… to the point of tongue lolling

Kindly delay the soggy season

Kindly delay the soggy season

You got my vote

You got my vote

OMG not again …

OMG not again …

Need fuel for my cranial engine

Need fuel for my cranial engine

Autumn morning

Autumn morning

Fate has been eavesdropping again

Fate has been eavesdropping again

Gender-specific options

Gender-specific options

A tasteful relationship

A tasteful relationship

Timeless wisdom from a timeless beauty (Katherine

Timeless wisdom from a timeless beauty (Katherine

Beautifying the neighbourhood

Beautifying the neighbourhood

Hicks in the sticks (Grizzly sow with her

Hicks in the sticks (Grizzly sow with her

I’d have to agree with that logic

I’d have to agree with that logic

Science has an answer for everything

Science has an answer for everything

That explains most recent behaviour patterns

That explains most recent behaviour patterns

Poignant passage

Poignant passage

Sad chocolate bar knows what’s coming

Sad chocolate bar knows what’s coming

Bedtime for Bowser and Bunny

Bedtime for Bowser and Bunny

Like father, like son (Robert Downey Jr.

Like father, like son (Robert Downey Jr.

Sorry to tell you this, son …

Sorry to tell you this, son …

Stay loose

Stay loose

I’m your cat, dammit, not your psychoanalyst

I’m your cat, dammit, not your psychoanalyst

Consider yourself warned

Consider yourself warned

The joy of moving on

The joy of moving on



Echoes of yesterday

Echoes of yesterday

Carpe diem

Carpe diem

Attitude is everything

Attitude is everything

Better go wash your hands

Better go wash your hands

A place for everything, and everything in

A place for everything, and everything in

I’m about ready to blow this popstand anyway

I’m about ready to blow this popstand anyway

Residential indecision

Residential indecision

Testing the power of suggestion

Testing the power of suggestion

The fine art of giving up

The fine art of giving up

Excrement power

Excrement power

Blankets to the rescue

Blankets to the rescue