Not all Starbucks are created equal (Dubai)
Ultimate vehicle swap
Ready in a minute, just gotta scratch my
Happy hump day
Happy 66th birthday to the Prince of Darkness
I can state with some conviction that I will
In training for the crybaby Olympics
One more sleep
That’s it, I want my money back
If you’re trying to confuse me, you’ve
Hi Mom—I won a medal! I came in thirdst!
… and apparently he’s gay
TWD ain’t got nothin’ on Black Friday
And where do you keep the blessed toilet
Not a good candidate for a trip to Vegas
I think it’s gotten itself lost this time
Existential theorization
You may have a point there
Got enough tissue there, sweetie?
Winter’s arrived sooner than expected
Breaking all the rules
That one night stand wasn’t worth it
Dance like there’s no one watching
Straighten up and fly right, willya?
Will somebody please develop this app asap?
Justification for spring break escape
Makes perfect sense to me
Spring is blooming down under (Red kangaroo,
Did somebody say pasta?! And BEER?
Can’t get no respect
Friday night and ready to strut mah stuff
Cravin’ the classics
Self-actualization is awesome
Move it or lose it, kid
Dang kids are always underfoot (Polar Bear
The common bond of language
Not the edit he was hoping for
Wherefore art thou, Romeow?
Sing me a song of sunrise
Give thanks for what you have; so many have much
Not mad, just hungry
Prehistoric mindset
The rest of this week is a write off
Mortification level twelve
Fun without the fear factor
Story of my life
Works every time