Me too
All that Tolkien makes gives ya the munchies
Girls just wanna have fun
Now that’s what I call a high five
Playing to the paparazzi
Fit for a winter queen (Bled Castle in northwestern
Time for a change of scenery (dogsled team
She may be beautiful, but she’s frigid
Canadian cat problems
No shit, I love you
Ol’ Jack is lookin’ a little Frosty these
Going a step beyond the ugly Christmas sweater
Dashing to the store, in my 160-horse open
And one and two and three and pour
A little homework for The Hobbit’s final
Polar express (White Pass & Yukon Route
Go big or go home
Only if they’re gangsta
Just to keep things interesting
Francophones will understand
My preciousssss smile
Hands up
Ugh. And yeesh.
Quite eyeballin’ my woman
The Sound of [Cat] Music
Bonus: hot water maintains serving temperature
Define “waste”
Frigorific frolics
Just another lovely family holiday portrait
Sally knows the score
The preview was readily available
When all else fails
Proceed with extreme caution
These seasonal parties are sensational
Yummy tummy
Surfeit of Santas (fun run in Sydney, Australia)
Ice, ice, baby
Your nipples are showing
Santa’s labour pool (reindeer herd in Murmansk,
You need a few arm days
Smooth in any guise
Weekend warrior whirligig
Warm? Yes. Sexy. NO.
Being extinct doesn’t help either
Just another paradox
Workin’ on her prenup
Generous humans are definitely on his nice
Barista geek knows her stuff